More Updating Will Be Done Before The Next Due Date
Chapter 1: Introduction To The Project
For this project, we are required to build a floating dome which is capable of carrying 3 person on board plus it is a able to survive or no major maintenance work needed to be done for 48 month.
Besides that, the boat is adequate with space for all the food, medicine and other survival kits.
Chapter 2 : Group Member
Group Name : PAPADOME
1. Muhammad Mohibbuddin B. Sahul Hamid ( The guy with the shinny Botak Head )
2. Muhammad Nabil B. Jamaluddin ( The guy covered with Blue Blanket )
3. Azim B. Hamzah ( The guy that is staring at the floor )
Chapter 3: Group Discussion
The picture above shows how we as a team discussing on how to design for the project.
Chapter 4: Planning
Full project planning will be issued before 17th August 2010.
The pictures below only shows the preliminary planning process.
Chapter 5: Timeline
Previous/ Past : 10 August 2010
Next Closest Update : 17 August 2010
Weekly Updating : 24, 31 August / 7, 14, 21 September
Submission & Testing : Wednesday 22 September 2010
The pictures above shows that the preliminary design on how the boat will look like.
For this project, our dome radius is 900cm or the diameter is 1800cm and we choose to build the 2V shape dome. We feel this amount of radius is suitable and more practical to apply for this project. We feel that by creating a small space, we are able to explore more on how to maximize a minimum space. This can be done by fully utilizing the space and creating a multi-purpose space within the minimum compound. Besides that, we feel it is more easy for the boat to assembled and carried by 3 person.
Chapter 7: Building Materials
Chapter 8: Special Features
There are a few special features for the boat that will be only shown a few weeks before the final submission.
This step is important because we want to protect the copyright patent.
Chapter 9: Reference
Most of our reference came from this site and we only studied on how the owner of this website build a boat with his friends.